8 Ways an SEO Consultant can Strengthen your Amazon Presence

A skilled Amazon SEO consultant can help your brand master the A9 algorithm with a comprehensive approach to listing optimization.

Amazon Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing product listings to rank higher in Amazon search results and increase sales conversions. The primary goal is to ensure that your products are easily discoverable by potential customers searching for items similar to what you offer. 

Of course, the Amazon algorithm, known as A9, considers various factors when ranking product listings, including relevance, price, availability, and customer satisfaction. The formula for success can also change quickly, as the marketplace evolves and responds to a growing number of sellers, shoppers and experts. That’s why working with an SEO consultant on these eight areas of focus can be the quickest way to the top of the rankings. 

#1 Upgrade your product title

The interaction between a prospective customer and your product listing often begins with your Amazon product title. An Amazon SEO consultant can guide you to a well-constructed and optimized product title that becomes the difference between profitable shopper conversions and a struggle to get your item in front of the appropriate audience. 

‍An optimized product title is more than just a description of your Amazon listing. It needs to be a concise balance of accuracy and detail that targets the most valuable keywords for your brand. One of the challenges of listing optimization is crafting a title that simultaneously satisfies the expectations of Amazon users and strategically influences the site’s algorithm.  

While it may take up less real estate than other parts of an Amazon listing, it certainly plays an outsized role in results. An optimization service partner with experience in copywriting and keyword research and a clear understanding of the competitive landscape and Amazon’s algorithm is the best way to ensure a product title supports sales growth rather than misses opportunities. 

#2 Optimize your keyword strategy

Identifying the primary keywords that are most important to a listing’s performance is typically within a brand’s in-house capabilities. However, prioritizing those terms and effectively integrating them into an Amazon product listing is much more complicated and can benefit from the help of an SEO consultant. Search engine optimization (SEO) on the platform gauges relevance and value to determine how to best leverage a keyword in a product title, feature bullet points, product description or elsewhere. 

Optimization is also not as simple as repeating keywords numerous times. Regarding Amazon’s algorithm and keywords, quality is way more important than quantity. In many cases, once a search term appears in your Amazon listing, it has likely added all the value it can. Therefore, adding it repeatedly, especially to the detriment of the copywriting, is unlikely to improve your spot in the search results. 

‍An Amazon SEO consultant can help identify and prioritize relevant keywords more effectively than most brands can accomplish alone. Reputable service providers can create an Amazon SEO optimization plan for both the broadest keywords and the long-tail keywords that help differentiate a brand from its competition and reach customers who are closer to the point of purchase. Most importantly, they have the experience to do so within engaging copy and while taking advantage of Amazon’s backend keyword tools that many brands overlook. 

#3 Elevate your product images

Among the most influential pieces of Amazon content are high-quality images. In fact, 78 percent of people say video has convinced them to buy a product, while 30 percent of shoppers won’t even consider a product that presents low-quality images. However, optimizing photos means more than just good resolution and high resolution. The media on your product page should tell a story. Your products should be showcased from multiple angles and in use. In addition, any product image included in a product listing should reinforce the featured benefits you are trying to convey. 

‍Well-designed and appealing infographics that add compelling text overlays and use precise measurements and comparisons to establish size and function are essential to this area of Amazon listing optimization. And remember, this deliberate approach to Amazon listing photos is about more than convincing buyers to add the product to their cart. It’s about ensuring that shoppers are informed and have the appropriate expectations when they receive the item so that the confusion or disappointment that might otherwise occur, and result in negative reviews, can be avoided. 

‍A qualified Amazon SEO specialist can offer one-stop shopping for both the artistic skills that product photography requires and the campaign mindset necessary to make them a seamless part of your brand’s story. 

‍#4 Improve your features & description

While some brands might not see much difference between their product’s key features and description, the ones that take product listing optimization seriously know better. Amazon’s key feature section relies only on short bullets to communicate the most essential aspects of a product to consumers through enhanced brand content. The text displayed in the key features can also weigh more heavily in the ranking done by the platform’s algorithm, making keyword placement critical. 

‍Alternatively, the product description is the place to provide detailed information about product features and product usage to guide a customer’s purchase decision. It’s the place to highlight specific product information that was not included in other areas of an Amazon listing but may still influence Amazon shoppers. In both the features and description areas, sellers must follow Amazon policies, such as restricting mentions of competitors or promoting temporary price cuts. 

‍Developing a key features section and product description that complement one another, taking advantage of keywords and captivating the audience with an eye toward conversions is not easy. Like so many parts of an Amazon listing, a single weak link can harm the entire listing and result in long-term problems for an Amazon seller. That’s why relying on an Amazon SEO expert to make sure these fundamental pieces are completed correctly is often the best way to ensure growth on the site. 

#5 Incorporate A/B Testing

As an Amazon seller, you constantly strive to improve your product listings and ultimately increase your sales. And A/B testing can be an important path forward. This valuable strategy allows you to engage in Amazon listing testing to maximize the impact of your product title, images, and description, to see which versions perform best with potential customers. 

Doing so can optimize your product listing to increase conversion rates and boost sales. With so much competition on Amazon, staying ahead of the game and utilizing every tool at your disposal is vital. A/B testing is a must-have for anyone serious about selling on Amazon, and an Amazon SEO consultant can create a plan to make it part of an ongoing SEO strategy. By making data-driven decisions, you can improve your product listings and secure your spot as a top seller in your category.

At its core, A/B testing is a simple concept – two versions of a listing or ad are created, with one small difference between them, and shoppers are shown one of the two versions. The test results are then compared to see which version performs better.

What makes A/B testing so powerful is its ability to provide concrete data on what works (and what doesn’t) regarding website design and marketing messages. Best of all, it’s constantly evolving – as you test more and analyze more data, you can continuously refine your strategies and create more effective campaigns. It has become increasingly popular in today’s digital landscape, and for good reason. By showing multiple versions to different sets of users, companies can quickly and efficiently see which approaches perform best. It also provides valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences, leading to a better understanding of your audience and ultimately driving a more successful business strategy.

 #6 Integrate a PPC plan

The last thing any Amazon seller should want is to run an Amazon PPC (pay-per-click) campaign without a plan. While online advertising can be quite cost-effective, a poorly planned Amazon advertising campaign will have very little RoAS, meaning you will have paid too much, no matter the cost. 

Relying on an Amazon SEO consultant can ensure that your campaign is focused on more than just closing a sale. Instead, a reputable partner will help you align your business goals with your marketing efforts on the Amazon marketplace. 

Advertising tactics can be adjusted depending on whether you are trying to raise brand awareness, launch a new product or grow market dominance. For example, an Amazon SEO company can explain how targeting competing listings or keywords with a PPC plan can help increase market share, while remarketing strategies can help to drive conversions and increase profitability. 

 #7 Monitor and maximize customer feedback

Amazon’s A9 algorithm is the process by which the online marketplace determines which and in what order products display in response to a customer search. Recent tweaks to the algorithm have led some to begin referring to it as A10; however, regardless of the moniker, the priority for sellers is to optimize their listings for the rankings. And that is what an Amazon SEO consultant does best. 

Obviously, relevancy and availability are at the top of the list when it comes to influencing the algorithm. The more closely your in-stock product matches a search term, the better the chances it will appear among the top results. However, other factors are less transparent and harder to target for optimization, so moving up the ranking sometimes requires experienced assistance. Your product’s sales metrics, description quality, off-site traffic, and, of course, its reviews will all be a part of the equation. 

One thing we know about Amazon reviews and the algorithm is quantity and quality both matter. Having a lot of positive reviews can improve your chances of landing on the coveted first page of search results. Since substantial and credible reviews also benefit your ability to convert potential customers, and your sales volume and velocity are critical factors for the algorithm, a steady stream of positive reviews is a great way to double-dip your optimization efforts. 

So, how many reviews do you need? While a magic number would simplify things, reality, as usual, is more complicated. Instead, your best strategy is a well-planned and well-executed process designed by an SEO consultant to attract, monitor and react to reviews.  

#8 Inform future SEO efforts

Brands that are new to Amazon SEO campaigns may overlook one of the most impactful aspects of success – measurement. This is despite Amazon offering a plethora of data to sellers on the platform via its Seller Central reports

When sellers work independently, it can be challenging to decipher the available information for their campaign and how to benchmark them appropriately. However, sellers who opt to partner with an outside agency for SEO services enjoy the competitive advantage of working with specialists who know precisely how to interpret this data. 

More importantly, an Amazon SEO agency can also find actionable insights that will allow them to improve your campaign over time and refine SEO more efficiently based on previous results. That type of expertise can also help develop a more comprehensive plan built on clearly established goals, and that complements other aspects of your marketing, such as social media and customer communications. 

Amify can be your strongest partner

Amify can help your brand establish a data-driven SEO strategy that gets your products in front of more shoppers. We plan and execute efficient media tactics, including enhanced brand content, keyword optimization, PPC advertising, and make sure you get the best possible ROI with your Amazon SEO strategy. 

Contact us today to learn how Amify can maximize your Seller Central performance and ensure your listing optimization leads to tangible results.

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