2022 US FBA fulfillment fee changes

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Amazon 2022 US FBA Fulfillment Fee Changes

Note: For an overview of all 2022 US selling fee changes, go to amazon.com/selling-fee-changes.On January 18, 2022, US FBA Fulfillment Fee Changes will take effect. This page details the upcoming changes for the following fulfillment fees:

  • Core FBA fulfillment fees (excluding apparel)
  • FBA fulfillment fees for apparel
  • FBA fulfillment fees for dangerous goods

If you would like a more detailed guidance on how these changes affect your brand, contact us here.

Core FBA fulfillment fee changes (excluding apparel)

The adjusted core FBA fulfillment fees shown below take effect on January 18, 2022. The greater unit weight or dimensional weight will be used to calculate the shipping weight for all large standard-size units, excluding apparel. For more information, refer to the Calculate the shipping weight section further down this page.

2022 US FBA Fulfillment Fee Changes

FBA fulfillment fees change for apparel On January 18, 2022, Amazon will implement the following fee changes for apparel items in the Clothing & Accessories category.

2022 US FBA Fulfillment Fee Changes for Apparel

Note: Oversize apparel tiers (small oversize, large oversize, and special oversize) will be charged the core FBA fulfillment fees.

Product examples

The following product examples help illustrate the new FBA fee structure.

2022 US FBA Fulfillment Fee Changes Small Standard Size
2022 US FBA Fulfillment Fee Changes Large Standard Size
2022 US FBA Fulfillment Fee Changes Small Oversize
2022 US FBA Fulfillment Fee Changes Large Oversize

Fulfillment fee changes for dangerous goods

FBA has separate fulfillment fees for dangerous goods (also known as hazardous materials or hazmat) that require special handling and storage. For more information, go to FBA Dangerous Goods (Hazmat) program and Dangerous goods identification guide.The following fulfillment fee adjustments for items sold through the FBA Dangerous Goods program will take effect on January 18, 2022.

2022 US FBA Fulfillment Fee Changes Dangerous Goods

Calculate the shipping weight

Shipping weight is determined by the unit weight or dimensional weight, depending on the size tier and which is greater. Dimensional weight is equal to the unit volume (length x width x height) divided by 139. The dimensional weight for oversize items assumes a minimum width and height of 2 inches.Starting January 18, 2022, for core FBA and dangerous goods, Amazon will use dimensional weight when it is greater than unit weight for all large standard-size units and all small oversize, medium oversize, and large oversize units. Small standard-size units will use unit weight. This change will also apply to units fulfilled through Multi-Channel Fulfillment and Small and Light.

For apparel, for all small standard-size and large standard-size units weighing more than 0.75 lb and all small oversize, medium oversize, and large oversize units, Amazon uses dimensional weight when it is greater than the unit weight. Small standard-size units use unit weight.


Check out our complete guide on everything bit of Amazon Jargon that you need to know. If you want to read more about the 2022 US FBA Fulfillment Fee Changes or see FAQs, you can visit Amazon’s Article Here.

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