6 Keys to a Perfect Amazon Product Listing Page

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6 Keys to a Perfect Amazon Product Listing Page

Product listing pages are where the magic does (or doesn’t) happen for brands on Amazon. The value of product listing pages makes it all the more shocking that the vast majority of them could use improvement. They have poor quality product pictures, include inadequate product bullet points like “made in china” (as if that’s a compelling selling point) and feature a bland, single-sentence product description. Who would be convinced to make a purchase by such a listing?Too often, sellers waste thousands of dollars on advertising for product pages that simply won’t convert. Investing time in making a great product page is THE first step to creating a flywheel of more sales on Amazon. Great product pages increase conversion rates, which increases sales and lowers the cost to acquire a customer.So what goes into a great Amazon product listing page? Here are the top six ways to ensure your listings do what they’re supposed to—sell.

1. Product Titles that Inform and Seduce

When shoppers scan a search results page, the product title has a major influence on their decision to click or not. Your title should not only describe your product in its most basic sense but also inform with key details, features and benefits. Amazon allows titles up to 250 characters, which is enough space to include some of your keywords and even provide a nod to your target audience. For example, instead of “Acme Brand Digital Waterproof Camera with zoom,” go with something more robust and enticing like: “Acme Brand Digital Waterproof Camera with automatic 10x zoom, image stabilization, rechargeable battery and carrying case, is perfect for hikers, campers and outdoor enthusiasts.” As you craft your product titles, be sure to lead with the most important information. This is for several reasons. First, you want shoppers—and Amazon’s search algorithm—to see the most helpful and captivating words first. Second, product titles are sometimes truncated by Amazon.

2. Crisp Descriptions and Bullet Points

Your product descriptions and bullet points work best when they stay clean and crisp. Get to the point and tell shoppers what your product is and does—and why it’s better than the alternatives. (Just don’t mention a competitor by name—that’s against Amazon’s rules.) Also strive to avoid hyperbole that sounds too good to be true. Also, take advantage of Amazon’s search algorithm! Including key words can boost your ranking, and you can search the terms you’re considering to ensure they return the results where you’d like to appear.

3. Images That Tell a Story

Amazon lets you include up to 10 product images per listing. Use as many as you can and try to include shots of the product in use. These “action” or “lifestyle” shots have been shown to increase sales conversions and the most successful product listing pages almost always include them. They tell a story and help shoppers envision the product in their hands. Keep in mind that your images can also include text or even be infographics. Using enhanced images can complement and reinforce your product descriptions and bullet points. And in a mobile-first world, consumers are more likely to look at your images than to read your bullet point copy. The right images also help increase shoppers’ understanding of exactly what they’re buying, which will decrease the likelihood of returns and unflattering reviews. And don’t forget to use quality images that, when shoppers use the zoom feature, retain their integrity. Zoom abilities start when images are at least 1,000 pixels on the longest side and 500 on the shortest.

4. A+ content that showcases features and benefits

Amazon lets brands that have Brand Registry leverage A+ Content on their Product Listing Pages. A+ Content is a way to deliver enhanced product details on your product pages that can take many forms, including high-quality images, comparison charts, video content and more. This content is “below the fold” on the page and helps you to close the sale by showcasing the unique features and benefits of your product in a customizable way.

5. A Killer Q&A Section

The key to a great Q&A section is to put yourself in the shoes of your shoppers. You want to include all of the reasonable questions (and answers) a buyer is likely to have. You should also review your competitors’ Q&A’s to catch any questions you may have overlooked. Keep your questions and answers clear and succinct, and commit to speedy responses to drive sales. For a deeper dive on Q&A’s check out this post.

6. A Star Rating that Shines

No matter how great your product descriptions, a low star rating is a surefire way to lose a sale. The best product listing pages have great reviews, and lots of them. The first step to filling your product listing page with stars is selling a terrific product at a competitive price and backing it up with top customer service. Once those basics are covered, there are some tactics you can deploy to go to the next level. Learn all about them in this post. If your product listing pages could use some analysis and help from an experienced strategic partner, we invite you to contact us. We would welcome the chance to share more of what we know about how brands like yours can sell more on Amazon.

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