Advertising Strategies for Beauty Brands

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Advertising Strategies for Beauty Brands

Did you know Amazon continually adds new ad units, video units, and modules on search results and PDPs? This means that brands should have a strategy in place to defend their brand and use analytics to guide investment levels. Almost every ad unit can appear on your product pages. Brands should combine defensive ad units with brand posts, videos, comparison charts, virtual bundles, and the brand story module to maintain control of your product page experienceA few of the strategies include:

Test Your Way into Defense Spending

Even if someone else is bidding on your brand term, it doesn’t always make sense to try to compete. Often, the data will show that people searching for your brand will naturally be drawn to your items and ignore the other brands.If you see a competitor consistently conquesting, consider what they are using in their product title (and make sure yours is better).

Defend and Attract with Sponsored Video Ads

Sponsored Brands Video attracted about a quarter of large brands’ Sponsored Brand ad spending in Q3 2020 (eMarketer). These ads continue to be a cost-effective way to claim a massive amount of real estate in search results.Videos uploaded to specific ASINs help keep competitors’ videos from distracting your shoppers. Use the headlines to reinforce product benefits. Upload two videos per ASIN to push others completely off-screen on the mobile product detail page.

Defend and Attract with Sponsored Video Ads

New Sponsored Display Audiences

Sponsored Display Ads appear on and off the Amazon platform and now can access Amazon Audiences – pre-built audience segments to help reach new prospective customers through awareness and consideration campaigns.These ads can be a lower commitment than Amazon DSP, and you can reach people further up the purchase funnel.In-market: In-market audiences allow advertisers to engage audiences who are “in-the-aisle” and have been recently shopping for products in a given category. Lifestyle: Positioned for awareness campaigns, these audiences reflect a variety of aggregated shopping and viewing behaviors, including shopping on Amazon, browsing on IMDb, and streaming on Prime Video or Twitch. Interests: Interest-based audiences allow advertisers to help raise awareness with prospective customers based on what they frequently browse and buy.Life events: Life events audiences give brands the opportunity to drive awareness and consideration for relevant products based around life moments, such as “traveling soon” for shoppers going on vacation.

Sponsored Headlines

We’ve had mixed results with the ability to add a logo and headline to Sponsored Display ads. Test your way into this tactic before scaling and segment your test by targeting tactic.

Sponsored Headlines

Campaign Architecture

If you don’t set up your campaigns in a way that will let you measure what targeting and placements are working, you’re probably wasting your time.-Use negative product targeting.-Split Auto campaigns by keyword vs product targeting.-Exclude your brand from everything but specific defense campaigns.                                      -Measure based on strategic intent.If you are interested in learning more about these strategies, check out our webinar, Tips and Tactics for Beauty Brands to Win on Amazon”.

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