Can Your Amazon Q&A Section Increase Sales?

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Can Your Amazon Q&A Section Increase Sales?

One of the most iconic and helpful features of the Internet is the humble FAQ (frequently asked questions) page. From health concerns or public policy issues to home maintenance matters and e-commerce hubs like Amazon, we’ve come to expect, appreciate and rely on FAQs for their expediency and versatility. That’s especially true for shoppers. Studies from the Harvard Business Review indicate that customers with a Q&A experience are 86% more likely to buy your product. So how do you make the most of the Q&A section on your Amazon Brand Store? Here are five tips to set you on the right path.

Start with the Basics

Don’t forget to include basic information like dimensions, ingredients and safety features in your product Q&A’s. This may seem redundant if that info is also in your above the fold copy, but you don’t want to miss out on shoppers who tend to jump right to the Q&A for details about a specific feature. A thorough Q&A section keeps customers on your page—and moves your products into their carts.

Be Strategic

Beyond the essentials, consider what opportunities this section presents to convert shoppers on the fence for a purchase. Your brand can strategically pose and answer questions that highlight key product benefits and features. It’s also helpful to review Q&A sections of competitive brands—as well as comments in their product rating sections—to determine key points your store should reinforce. If, for instance, you’re selling a hammock and key competitors are being dinged for lack of quality materials, you can reinforce your product’s material superiority in your Q&A.

Time Is Money

Quick response time is critical for a successful Q&A page. If a customer submits a question, be sure to answer as promptly as you would with your other customer service channels. Waiting too long runs the risk of losing potential buyers, even if they have to settle for a second-best choice.

Get Specific

Few things frustrate shoppers more than receiving a partial answer to their question. Be direct, informative and definitive with your responses. Going the extra mile may take a few minutes longer, but keep in mind that if a customer takes the time to ask a question there are likely many more shoppers wondering the same thing. Providing clear answers will save you (and your future customers) hassle going forward.

Be Human

Take the time to craft answers that sound conversational! A Q&A is, in essence, an imagined conversation between a consumer and a brand. Under no circumstance should your shoppers wonder if an answer came from a robot (or an attorney). And don’t hesitate to inject some brand-relevant personality into your answers. Creating, monitoring and maintaining a top-notch, sales-boosting Amazon Q&A section requires daily care and feeding. If you would like to talk about how Amify can help you with this important task, please reach out. We’re eager to answer the questions you have for us—and welcome the opportunity to help answer the questions Amazon shoppers have for you.

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