How to Handle Amazon Seller Warnings

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How to Handle Amazon Seller Warnings

At Amify, we are constantly working to make the Amazon seller experience as seamless as possible for our Brand Partners. We deal with a wide-range of product types and seller requests. Accordingly, we are subject to a great deal of notifications from Amazon.  Amazon has a strict set of rules for the products they sell, pertaining to the category, substance, and many other specifics. Noncompliance with these Amazon rules will result in warnings from Amazon, which left unaddressed, will lead to Amazon account suspension.  Through our years of experience, we have grown accustom to the nuances of seller-to-Amazon communications. For our Brand Partners, we cannot stress enough the importance of being on top of these communications.  To be Amazon warning-savvy is a must for all new sellers, and can be summed up in the friendly cheat sheet below.  

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Ease the Supply Chain Stress of Seasonal Demand

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