How To Optimize Your Brand For Growth on Amazon

Nearly half of consumers visit Amazon multiple times a week. Ninety percent of consumers go to Amazon to price check a product. Finally, a staggering 74% of consumers go to Amazon when they are ready to buy a specific product. So knowing you have an active audience that is ready to buy, how do you capitalize? First, you need an Amazon strategy and wholesale dealer agreement that you strictly enforce. A solid strategy starts with dictating who sells your products, what products are sold, at what price they should be offered. Once you set your strategy, you’ll need to put a wholesale dealer agreement in place with explicit language about your Amazon reseller and pricing policies. Then you’ll need to enforce those policies. Be sure you understand all your options to make an informed choice about how Amazon should fit into your overall business strategy. Next, you must create the best brand experience for your shoppers. This means they can find your product, know your brand is selling it, and get all the information they need to confidently purchase before they are lured in by your competition. Here are the top 4 things you can do to deliver a great brand experience:
Following best practices and keeping your listings current, strengthens customers’ buying confidence. Eighty-two percent of shoppers state that they read the entire listing before making a purchase. Finally, you have to build and continually optimize your Amazon advertising strategy. Amazon advertising is becoming more complex and competitive. We typically recommend buying three types of search ads: branded terms, category terms, and competitor brand terms. Because over ⅓ of shoppers have clicked on an Amazon product advertisement, your approach should be based on a strategy, not strictly a budget. Following these tips is a great start, but we have only scratched the service. Let’s talk in more detail about how Amify can help your specific brand. If you are wondering whether your brand is optimized for growth, sign up for a free Amazon Assessment, and we can talk with you or a coworker about your biggest growth drivers in Vegas!
Learn more about how we can help your Amazon business succeed!