What is Amazon’s Brand Registry?

Ever find yourself unable to make changes to your product listing on Amazon? Unable to fix incorrect product information? You likely need the permissions only granted with Amazon Brand Registry. Amazon Brand Registry is a program designed to help brands protect their intellectual property and “create an accurate experience for customers on Amazon” (Amazon, 2018).   

How Does Brand Registry Work?  

The Brand Registry exists to help protect brands from an array of fraudulent activity and is for any brand on Amazon with a registered trademark. As mentioned above, this program allows registered brands to quickly make changes to their product listings. Simultaneously, it enables registered brands to override changes made to their listings by unknown, unauthorized sellers. The Brand Registry is able to do this by prioritizing information from the registered brands over all other sellers on the listing, which in turn, restores control back to the appropriate seller (Lindsey, 2017).   

What Are the Benefits of Brand Registry?  

Aside from the main features of Brand Registry, there are also many benefits and tools that come along with this program. For starters, when registered with this Amazon program, there is a great potential for increased conversions and sales. When a brand is registered, they are able to add Enhanced Brand Content (A+ Content) to their account, which can be seen below the listing and on the company’s storefront. A huge advantage to Enhanced Brand Content is the ability for a brand to sell their story and improve the customer’s experience through visually appealing text, images, and videos. As a direct outcome of improved product listings and brand presence, customers have a more enjoyable shopping experience and are more inclined to purchase.  

 Another benefit of Brand Registry is the capability to report and kick brands off of listings. With this tool, registered brands can submit a case to customer service to have their concerns addressed and rectified. Additionally, the customer service brands receive is much more accurate and prompt in comparison to the service brands receive when using Seller Central.  In conjunction with the tools and benefits mentioned above, brands also have the luxury of enjoying quicker ad approval time. This means that a brand will not experience pauses on ad campaigns when adjusting the details and information. This is a major advantage because it allows for brands and their products to be seen by the their target customer at the time when customers are searching for that product, creating yet another opportunity to increase conversions and sales.   Enrolling in Amazon Brand Registry is a wise and strategic business move for brands interested in improving their sales and overall experience on Amazon. Brand Registry is the single best way to protect your brand’s property and keep it represented appropriately. To speak further about your Amazon strategy, get in contact with one of our Amazon experts today:  Get your free assessment.

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