The Amazon Brand Story Feature: All You Need to Know

The Amazon Brand Story feature has been updated, now with more module choices available and greater ability to customize. Even better, the content is a scrollable carousel, which makes for a seamless shopping experience. Along the carousel, you can highlight your brand’s story and values while displaying a good portion of your product catalog. Plus, you can link to your brand store and other product detail pages. Read on to learn more! 

How to Create a Brand Story on Amazon

With more than 8.7 million sellers worldwide on Amazon, you must find a way to stand out among a sea of competitors. To help you do that, Amazon has been giving companies more branding tools, such as A+ Content and Storefronts, where savvy brands can create content that helps drive conversions. They recently updated the Amazon Brand Story feature, which registered brands can find within the A+ Content Manager. In this article, we’ll discuss how to access and create a Brand Story on Amazon. We’ll also cover whether you should take advantage of the Brand Story feature and the best practices for creating this content. Let’s get to it.

Brand Stories appear below the listing bullet points and above the product description and A+ Content on the product detail page. To create an Amazon Brand Story, follow this process:

  1. Log into Amazon Seller Central. Go to ‘A+ Content Manager’ under the Advertising tab.
Amazon A+ Content manager

2. Select ‘Start creating A+ content’ on the right side.

start creating A+ content manager

3. If you have the option to create a Brand Story, you will be presented with two choices here. Click ‘Create a Brand Story’.

A+ content manager

4. Next, you’ll reach the Brand Story screen. Amazon updated the Brand Story feature in late 2021 to allow for more options and customization. You no longer have to follow a strict template with questions about how you got your start, what makes your products unique, and why you love what you do (though you can still answer those questions if desired). Instead, you’ll see the following screen.

Brand Story Screen

On this page, you’ll create a content name. You may also add a brand carousel background module. This can include a background image, headline text and body text. The headline text has a max of 30 characters and the body text has a maximum of 135 characters. The brand story background image has the following image requirements:

Brand Story Background Image

We recommend you add a carousel background image because of the way the content appears on mobile. Shoppers have to scroll to see the first module, which they may not know to do. So you need a background for not only aesthetics and branding, but also to guide the shopper to your Amazon Brand Story content. Here’s what we did for MobyFox:

MobyFox Background

See how that first content module to the right is kind of out of view on mobile. That’s why you need a carousel background image with some text. We wrote “Explore MobyFox” with an arrow to direct the shopper to the Brand Story content carousel.

5. After creating your brand story content name and your brand carousel background, scroll down to find the ‘Add Module’ button. Click it.

‘Add Module’ Button

After clicking ‘Add Module’, you’ll get a list of brand story content module options. You have three choices.

Content Module Options
  • Brand ASIN & Store Showcase
  • Brand Focus Image
  • Brand Logo & Description

Through these Amazon brand story content modules, you can get to the heart of your brand’s history and purpose, just like before, but now you have more options to visually showcase your products. With such updates, Amazon has improved the Brand Story feature, giving you more ways to personalize the content and let your products and brand shine. This should make the feature a more powerful tool for driving sales. Note: As far as we know, there is no limit on the number of modules you can create. Since it’s a carousel, shoppers can continue scrolling and viewing your brand and products. However, don’t go overboard with this. We advise you to create 3-5 modules per Brand Story section.

6. Choose an Amazon Brand Story module. Then, fill in the content. We’ve listed the requirements for each module below. Note that, for each image, you can provide keywords with the image, which could help improve search visibility and aid in accessibility. Brand Logo & DescriptionYou can add up to 450 characters for the body text. The image must be at least 315 x 145 pixels. The Primary Benefit: This module is best for branding. If you want to elevate awareness of your brand, use this Brand Story module to include your logo and an about us section (or something similar). You can communicate your company’s vision and values, along with the benefits of your products. You can also use the space like a FAQ to address any doubts and purchase barriers.

The Primary Benefit

Your Brand Logo & Description module could look something like this:

Brand Logo & Description module

Brand ASIN & Store Showcase

Headline text can be a max of 30 characters. We recommend you use it like a call-to-action, writing something like “See more of our collection.” You can link to your brand store in this module too. You can add images for four ASINs, and those images will link to the respective listing pages. The Primary Benefit: This is a great module for highlighting related products. It can almost function like a comparison chart. It ensures that, if a customer perhaps wants something slightly different than the product above, they find that product from your store – not the competition’s. They may also find other products they like and make an additional purchase!

The Primary Benefit

Your Brand ASIN & Store Showcase module could look something like this:

Brand ASIN & Store Showcase module

Do you see above how you can scroll to another module? Since you can have multiple modules, you can showcase even more products. Here’s that next module on the same listing’s Brand Story.

Brand Story

Brand Focus Image

Headline text can be a max of 30 characters and body text can be up to 135 characters (both are optional). Images have a 362 x 453 pixel minimum. The Primary Benefit: This module is a good choice for displaying your product line in a visually stunning way. Or, you could use the space to improve brand awareness. The text space can be used for highlighting product benefits or brand messaging.

The Primary Benefit
The Primary Benefit

7. After adding your module or modules, click to add ASINs. On the next screen, you can add your Amazon Brand Story to multiple listings at once via a bulk upload. Simply copy and paste all the ASINs into the box. After that, click ‘Next: Review and Submit.’ It should show live within 15-30 minutes, but can take up to 24 hours or even longer.

Next: Review and Submit.

Should you Use the Amazon Brand Story?

You’ve spent time on your website and social media building a brand. Research shows that consistent branding across platforms can increase revenue by up to 23%. With brand-relevant content that informs and delights, you can boost conversions on Amazon – so should you have a Brand Story? The answer, as it is with many things on Amazon, is: it depends. The Amazon Brand Story feature enables you to differentiate yourself from the competition. If used wisely, it can reinforce your branding, showcase your product catalog and help drive more sales. However, it pushes your A+ section further down the page.

If your A+ Content is working well, it may make sense to skip it so the shopper sees that content first. On the other hand, recent updates have made the Amazon Brand Story feature much more visually appealing. Shoppers can scroll through and view modules quickly and easily. If you want to showcase your catalog and establish your brand as a trustworthy and quality one, adding Brand Story content may make sense. To determine whether you should take advantage of the Amazon Brand Story feature, consider the following benefits. A Brand Story can help you:

1. Humanize your brand

You want to relate to your customers as people. The Brand Story section is great for telling your company’s story, showing your mission and values, talking about the people behind the products, and being transparent about what you offer. It’s particularly helpful for smaller brands who may not have well-known, recognizable branding, but who want to connect on a more person-to-person level.Stats to know: Customers who form an emotional connection with a brand have more than a 3x higher lifetime value. According to Deloitte research, 80% of consumers would pay more for products if the company committed themselves to being socially responsible, environmentally responsible, and/or paying higher wages.

2. Show your product catalog & upsell

Through the Brand Story section, you can display more of your product line. The carousel-style format makes scrolling seamless for the user. Being able to scroll so easily can help increase the time a shopper spends looking at your brand and your products. This has four benefits. One, if a customer is looking for something specific and it’s not the product listing they’re currently viewing, they may find it in your Brand Story module. Two, a customer may spot another product in your catalog that interests them. Three, you can keep the customer inside your Amazon store, as they may click to another one of your listings or storefront. Four, customers can make quick comparisons and choose the product that best fits their needs.

A stat to know: This is like an upsell opportunity. Ecommerce studies have shown that upselling current customers increases revenue by 10-30% overall and is 68% more affordable than acquiring new customers.

3. Highlight what sets you apart

In the Brand Story section, you can show your competitive advantages and highlight your unique value proposition. Smaller businesses especially can show off that “homegrown” feel and how they’re solving customer pain points.A stat to know76% of customers expect businesses to understand their needs. Prove why you meet their needs better than the others.

4. Increase brand awareness

Shoppers on Amazon may not take the time to research the company behind the product. With Amazon Brand Story content, you put your company on display for the customer. This increases the likelihood of them remembering your brand. A stat to know: For consumers to remember your brand, it takes 5 to 7 impressions. Don’t miss the opportunity here. There are, of course, a few cons. The Brand Story feature currently offers next to no customization in formatting. With the updates, you now have three different module choices, which is much, much better than before (when there was only one). However, you must work within the constraints of these modules. There are also strict character limits to keep this section brief, so you’ll have to be concise. For brands who are used to having complete creative control, this may prove a challenge; for emerging brands, these restrictions can be helpful in deciding what message to tell.

An Amazon Brand Story allows for better content organization

You’ve probably heard that you only have seven seconds to make a first impression. On Amazon, you have to keep this in mind when creating A+ Content. While you don’t want to leave out crucial company information, you also don’t want to stuff the space with everything imaginable about your business. The addition of the Brand Story feature allows you to keep the A+ Content focused on the product, and keep the information about your company’s humble beginnings in the Brand Story Section. Since you can now show related products through the ASIN & Brand Store module, this section can help with displaying more of your Amazon store too.

Requirements for Making an Amazon Brand Story

Brand Story on Amazon is available only to sellers who have Amazon Brand Registry. To qualify for Amazon Brand Registry, you must have an active registered trademark. Our guide here can explain that process for you in detail. Note: Even if you don’t plan on fully utilizing the Brand Story feature, it makes sense to do Brand Registry. Not only does it offer brand protection, but you get access to a whole suite of tools, including A/B testing and Amazon A+ Content. Understand, Amazon is constantly introducing new tools and features, and it’s not always clear to sellers how they can best take advantage of what’s available. To get the most out of Amazon Brand Story, as well as other newly released features, we advise partnering with an Amazon agency who’s skilled at navigating the ever-changing Amazon marketplace.

At Amify, we offer partner brands a full-service solution for selling on Amazon. We can help you boost brand value through services like A+ Content and Brand Story creation, as well as help you get ahead of the game when new features are released.

Best Practices for Creating Brand Story Content: 10 Tips

Regardless of which Amazon Brand Story module you choose, be precise with your words and make sure your visuals amaze shoppers. Here are 10 tips for creating Brand Story content:

  1. Be authentic and tell your story
  • Highlight related products to help customers find what they want
  • Display your top-selling ASINs where relevant
  • Only use the highest quality images
  • Use the Brand Carousel background image to guide the shopper

2. Avoid flowery language and don’t be wordy

  • Explain your mission and how your products help people
  • Show what’s unique about your company and products
  • Focus on educating the shopper about your brand and products
  • Track the impact of your Brand Story module on conversion rates and sales

Making the Most of the Amazon Brand Story Feature

For brands with the option, the Amazon Brand Story feature may have a place in your toolset. It can help you build your brand’s reputation, form long-lasting relationships with customers, and ultimately stand out from the competition. Plus, with the recent updates, the Amazon Brand Story feature now gives you a greater ability to showcase your company’s product line and keep customers within your Amazon store. Since Amazon Brand Story is a new feature and rules and best practices will evolve, it helps to have experts on your side. This way, you can maximize the potential of Amazon Brand Story and boost sales and profitability. At Amify, we’re ready to be that partner for you and help you win on Amazon. If you’d like help building your brand on Amazon, feel free to contact us.

Improve Brand Value on Amazon

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